Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 4 - Vuvox

Vuvox was demonstrated to the students so they can build interactive powerpointesque presentations for their next POL's. Students were off-task this morning and there was a presentation based on Modeling in the real world. It was interesting to hear about the process of building a portfolio of photos. Sean, Stewart and Natalie were instructing today and Sean ended up cleaning up most of the tech resources at the end of the day.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Week 3-20-2012

Today Elizabeth, Sean and Stewart worked with several middle students recording them in the sound studio.  They recorded Ukelele music and Christine & Friends song.  One student worked on a rap recording and was free-styling his lyrics.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

002 - Sean man

Today kids were presenting their projects in front of the class with the projector.
Most kids had material to present and did a good job doing it.
One did not have material and relied on Google to show his stuff.

One girl created a comic with a combination of drawing and the computer and it turned out very good. She seemed to be very into her project and enjoyed presenting and showing the class her passion for drawing.

2:23 PM. Sean Reid.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

001 - Sean R. Week 03 Sound Engineering

Today we were working with the students and recording what their projects were about. We used professional audio recording software (Pro Tools).

Things students struggle with were:
The operator of the software was a rookie
The students spoke too softly for the audio to pick up their voices
2 people didn't have this information ready when recording and they were asked to go back and comeback better prepared.
2 groups had to re-recpord due to laughing moments and mishaps

Things students were amazingly great atz;
The students liked doing projects built around food
BMX project as therapy was very intriguing...very complexed
3 students are doing video games and creating similar games

Overall reflection of the day and whst I took away with it?
Interning is fun and better than sitting at home playing X-Box. Next week we will be watching and crtiquing their projects.

Sean 3:35 p.m. - 3/7/2012

Welcome Interns

This blog is setup to demonstrate what RSCS Interns accomplish while working in our community.